Francais \ Espanol

Lina Rodriguez

"accessories" presented at *Hotshot Gallery" 2007

Through sound and lighting, accessories explores the relationships in between our social conceptions of space, movement and objects. By creating a contemplative atmosphere, it invites viewers to seek new ways of seeing and hearing, to question our automatic associations around accessories and their use in an age attuned to daily media bombardments on gender and cultural identity.

Lina Rodriguez is a Toronto based artist born in Bogotá, Colombia with a degree in Film and Video Production from York University. Lina first became interested in cinema as a result of her fascination with what images and sounds show and hide and their relationship to time, by the meaning created as a result of the collision of one image with another, by the endless possibilities of layering certain sounds with certain images. For the past three years, Lina has been incorporating installation and performance art into her artistic practice. She is curious about the impact of the human body in space and time, by the presence and power of an action, its aftermath, both inside and outside of the frame.

For more explanation on the images please see below, (or see at the end of each featured artist)

Lina Rodriguez Performance

Lina Rodriguez Performance

Lina Rodriguez Performance

Image 1 : the performer dressed in black , wearing an array of different style necklaces holds in her hands a simple stringed pendant.

Images 2, 3: The images shows a candle lit room where you can only see the silouettes of the performer. The performer walks the room to different stations where she has set up tables with candles